

Statement by QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

It is with great delight and pride that I offer my congratulations to all my colleagues at the World Food Programme for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

It is a much deserved recognition of the untiring efforts of generations of humanitarian workers worldwide to defeat hunger.

It also turns the eyes of the international community towards the millions of people who suffer from or face the threat of food insecurity.

This prize is a new engine driving the food security issue to the forefront, underlining the importance of international solidarity and multilateral cooperation.

Let's redouble our efforts working together under the UN flag with WFP, first established in 1961 as FAO's food assistance subsidiary, and with all key players.

The award came as we are marking in just a week's time FAO's 75th anniversary and the World Food Day, entering a new era.

This award gives all of us renewed energy and vigor to work hand in hand to end hunger and build a better world.
Egypt Wearther